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Some more traditions
sʌm mɔː trəˈdɪʃənz
If you go
to the Tower of London
you will see six ravens.
ɪf juː gəʊ
tuː ðə taʊər ɒv lʌndən
juː wɪl siː sɪks reɪvnz
These birds —
or rather their ancestors-
have been there since
the eleventh century.
But, today, they are there
for a very important reason.
ðiːz bɜːdz
ɔː rɑːðə ðeər ænsɪstəz
hæv biːn ðeə sɪns
ði ɪˈlɛvnθ sɛnʧʊri
bʌt təˈdeɪ ðeɪ ɑː ðeə
fɔːr ə vɛri ɪmˈpɔːtənt riːzn
According to tradition,
the British Empire
will remain only as long as there
are ravens in the Tower.
əˈkɔːdɪŋ tuː trəˈdɪʃən
ðə brɪtɪʃ ɛmpaɪə
wɪl rɪˈmeɪn əʊnli æz lɒŋ æz ðeə
ɑː reɪvnz ɪn ðə taʊə
No one knows the reason
for this legend but there are
many suggestions,
nəʊ wʌn nəʊz ðə riːzn
fɔː ðɪs lɛʤənd bʌt ðeər ɑː
mɛni səˈʤɛsʧənz
оne is that a gang of thieves
broke into the Tower
while the sentries were asleep,
оneɪ ɪz ðæt ə gæŋ ɒv θiːvz
brəʊk ɪntuː ðə taʊə
waɪl ðə sɛntriz wɜːr əˈsliːp
but the ravens made
so much noise that the sentries
woke up and were able
to kill the thieves.
bʌt ðə reɪvnz meɪd
səʊ mʌʧ nɔɪz ðæt ðə sɛntriz
wəʊk ʌp ænd wɜːr eɪbl
tuː kɪl ðə θiːvz
Whatever the reason,
the birds are fed every day
and receive a State pension.
wɒtˈɛvə ðə riːzn
ðə bɜːdz ɑː fɛd ɛvri deɪ
ænd rɪˈsiːv ə steɪt pɛnʃən
Scotland and Ireland,
Too are full of legend
and tradition.
skɒtlənd ænd aɪələnd
tuː ɑː fʊl ɒv lɛʤənd
ænd trəˈdɪʃən
In Scotland,
Christmas is not a big feast.
For Scots, New Year's Day
is more important,
This is called Hogmanay.
ɪn skɒtlənd
krɪsməs ɪz nɒt ə bɪg fiːst
fɔː skɒts njuː jɪəz deɪ
ɪz mɔːr ɪmˈpɔːtənt
ðɪs ɪz kɔːld hɒgməˈneɪ
At midnight, a tall dark man
must cross the threshold
of your house,
æt mɪdnaɪt ə tɔːl dɑːk mæn
mʌst krɒs ðə θrɛʃˌhəʊld
ɒv jɔː haʊs
carrying a lump of coal
a piece of bread
and a bottle of whisky.
kæriɪŋ ə lʌmp ɒv kəʊl
ə piːs ɒv brɛd
ænd ə bɒtl ɒv wɪski
These items symbolize
warmth, food and drink
for the coming year.
ðiːz aɪtəmz sɪmbəlaɪz
wɔːmθ fuːd ænd drɪŋk
fɔː ðə kʌmɪŋ jɪə
Закрепление урока — 121
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Ну надо же. Не знала, что шотландцы не очень Рождество «почитают». И про атрибуты сочельника не знала. Век живи...и английский учи...
Ага... учи, если надо или есть цель... ! А ведь мы тоже как-то к Рождеству не приучены... По крайней мере я.