Упражнения на предыдущие темы в английском. 01-13


Интуитивная практика английского

Упражнения на предыдущие темы

Существует 3 степении прилагательных


1. Конструкция as   ...   as
2. one — вместо повторения существительного в ед. ч.
3. Притяжательные местоимения
4. Притяжательные существительные


1. Напишите ответы на вопросы

1. Is the film as interesting as the book?
2. Is it as cold today as yesterday?
3. Is the air as fresh here as at sea-side?
4. Are they as young as you?
5. Are his sisters as beautiful as his mother?
6. Are your brothers as tall as your father?
7. Are they as careful as their brother?


1. The film is as interesting as the book.
2. It is as cold today as yesterday.
3. The air is as fresh here as at sea-side.
4. They are as young as you.
5. His sisters are as beautiful as his mother.
6. Your brothers are as tall as you father.
7. They are as careful as their father.


2. Напишите ответы на вопросы

1. Is that road as long as that one?
2. Is this story as funny as that one?
3. Is their new flat as comfortable as the old one?
4. Is this forest as thick as that one?
5. Is this path as narrow as that one?
6. Is this trunk as heavy as that one?
7. Is this boy as strong as the tall one?
8. Is this dress as short as the green one?


1. This road is as long as that one.
2. This story is as funny as that one.
3. Their new flat is as comfortable as the old one.
4. This forest is as thick as that one.
5. This path is as narrow as that one.
6. This trunk is as heave as that one.
7. This boy is as strong as the tall one.
8. This dress is as shore as the green one.


3. Напишите ответы на вопросы

1. Is your jacket as warm as mine?
2. Is his book as easy as hers?
3. Is your house as far as theirs?
4. Is my box as heave as his?
5. Is their path as narrow as ours?
6. Is her hair as black as yours?
7. Is their family as large as hers?
8. Is your garden as beautiful as theirs?

9.   Are your feet as wet as mine?
10. Are your rooms as light as hers?
11. Are his friends as good as yours?
12. Are your marks as excellent as his?
13. Are your kittens as pretty as mine?


1. Your jacket is as warm as mine.
2. His book is as easy as hers.
3. Your house is as far as theirs.
4. My box is as heave as his.
5. Their path is as narrow as ours.
6. Her hair is as black as yours.
7. Their family is as large as hers.
8. Your garden is as beautiful as theirs.

9.   Your feet are as wet as mine.
10. Your rooms are as light as hers.
11. His friends are as good as yours.
12. Your marks are as excellent as his.
13. Your kittens are as pretty as mine.


4. Напишите ответы на вопросы

1. Is her dog as big as her father’s?
2. Is his health as good as his wife’s?
3. Is their book as interesting as their friends’?
4. Are the boy’s marks as good as their sisters’?
5. Are their compositions as interesting as their friends’?
6. Are your eyes as grey as your mother’s?
7. Are her dresses as short as her friend’s?
8. Are your days as busy as her husband’s?


1. Her dog is as big as her father’s.
2. His health is as good as his wife’s.
3. Their book is as interesting as their friends’.
4. The boy’s marks are as good as their sisters’.
5. Their compositions are as interesting as their friends’.
6. Your eyes are as grey as your mother’s.
7. Her dresses are as short as her friend’s.
8. Her days are as busy as her husband’s.

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